2023 SEDRR Leaders Conference - Fire Builders

The 2023 SEDRR Leaders Conference “Fire Builders” is around the corner and we are ready to have a day full of training, advancements, fellowship, and most importantly an encounter with God with fellow leaders of the Spanish Eastern District Royal Rangers. Come and experience the fire and annoiting of the Holy Spirit as we get together to build in us new and fresh directives to take our Ranger Ministry to the next level.

What will you be looking forward to?

  • Ranger Essentials ($40 includes registration)

  • First Aid / CPR ($65 includes registration)

  • District Continuous Learning Elective Seminars

  • Breakaway sessions including district and national updates.

Date: April 8, 2023

Location: Templo Fuente de Vida

519 59th Street, West New York, NJ, 07093

Start Time: 8am

Price: $30