Junior leader training takes place in the outpost and on the district level. Outpost training involves the Junior Leader Foundations program and leadership merits. District training involves the Junior Leadership Training Academy and a series of Action Camps.
Districts play a vital role in junior leadership development. They can provide an environment for boys and young men to come together from many different outposts and backgrounds and learn to work together and fine-tune leadership skills. They can also provide instruction in specialized skills local leaders may not be able to offer.
The Junior Leadership Development Academy (JLDA) is designed to assist a boy in his leadership journey. It consists of several events that are held annually that will give boys fun-filled, intentional leadership training, along with powerful spiritual development opportunities. This training experience is designed to be a catalyst and springboard of spiritual encouragement.
MC is designed as a transitional camp where boys are introduced to the district junior leader training. It is not a prerequisite for Junior Leadership Development Academy (JLDA) attendance but is recommended for all boys who have graduated 4th grade. MC is a district leadership training event geared for boys who have graduated the 4th grade but not yet in the 5th grade. MC introduces the patrol system while a boy earns merits that have been selected by the district. MC can be offered in a camping, retreat center, or church venue.
RTC is designed to help prepare boys for leadership in the local group and outpost. It is not a pre-requisite for Junior Leaders Development Academy (JLDA) attendance but is recommended for all boys 4th-6th grade. Ranger Training Camp (RTC) is a district leadership training event for boys who have graduated the 4th grade but not yet in the 7th grade. RTC prepares boys to serve as junior leaders in a boy-led, adult-facilitated outpost.
JTC is a district training event for boys in the 7th grade or above. JTC focuses on leadership development in the local patrol and group. JTC can be offered in a camping, retreat center, or church venue. JTC is a required event for the Trial of the Saber Award.
AJTC is a district event for boys in the 8th grade or above. AJTC focuses on leadership development by serving in group and church leadership roles for young men. AJTC can be offered in a camping, retreat center, or church venue. AJTC is a required event for the Trail of the Saber Award.
MAC prepares you for home and world missions service. Instructions range from construction skills to community outreach. Witnessing skills are taught and put to use in a visit to a local community or other ministry opportunities. You are encouraged to take part in mission opportunities on a regular basis, meeting the practical and spiritual needs of others.
SAC is designed to give training and experience in survival in the backcountry. Much of the instruction is based on the requirements from the silver Wilderness Survival merit. The time will be divided between instruction and application. You will learn skills, such as advanced fire craft, primitive beds and shelters, how to find food and water, outdoor cooking, and first aid. Teams will construct and live in survival shelters. This is also a great opportunity to draw closer to God and grow spiritually.
WSAC is for those who wish to learn more about winter camping. You will receive instruction in the fundamentals of cold weather camping/survival. Classes and activities include winter shelters, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and avalanche safety. Much of the instruction is based on the requirements from the Silver Winter Camping merit.
BAC is designed for those who want to spend time on the trail learning and developing backpacking skills with classes, such as trail equipment, low impact camping, emergency first aid, map and compass, and rescue techniques. Instruction is based on the Green and Silver Backpacking merits. Trail teams will camp and work together. Participants will carry their gear and food in backpacks and will share in tasks and leadership responsibilities. They will live in tents and prepare their meals. They will be given many opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned about living in the backcountry.
CAC is for those who want to learn basic and advanced canoeing skills as well as how to conduct canoe trips. Topics to be studied include water-related first aid, swimming safety, canoe safety, waterproofing of gear, canoe care, and portaging. After attending some important training classes, trainees and staff will set out on a water expedition. Much of the instruction is based on the requirements from the green Canoeing merit. Canoeing rivers and lakes can be a fun and adventurous way to explore nature.
SSAC is for those who wish to learn about shooting sports. You will learn basic shooting and firearm safety. Much of the instruction is based on the silver Small-bore Safety, Shotgun Safety, Small-bore Shooting, and Shotgun Shooting merits. Either silver Black Powder Shooting merit or silver Air Rifle merit is another option that may be available. You will also learn the process for participating in the Royal Rangers Postal Competitions