The Royal Rangers program at a local church is referred to as an "outpost" and may consist of one or more groups. Each group follows a program of activities based on the interests and abilities of boys in that group. The links below provide details on the advancement system used in each group:
The Ranger Kids Advancement Trail is based on the needs, interests, and characteristics of boys in kindergarten, first, and second grades. The trail represents a process for learning and growing through participation in fun activities, both with your group and at home. It is designed to provide every boy with opportunities for adventure and fun.
Discovery Rangers features an advancement trail that provides boys with a variety of opportunities to experience new things and have fun with their friends. Boys learn about topics such as First Aid skills, Rope Craft, Art, Fishing, or Model Rocketry. Each Discovery Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than fifty blue skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.
Adventure Rangers features an advancement trail that introduces boys to a variety of new skills and fun activities with their group. Boys learn about topics such as Archery, Canoeing, Photography, or Skateboarding. Each Adventure Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than seventy green skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.
Expedition Rangers features an advancement trail that provides boys with many opportunities to experience new things and have fun with their friends. Boys learn about topics such as Auto Mechanics, Fly Fishing, Rock Climbing, or Graphic Arts. Each Expedition Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than eighty silver skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.